Tuesday, February 24, 2009


There are times (sometimes they are few and far between) as a mother when you think, "It is all worth it for this moment in my child's life." The crying, the whining, the timeouts, the bedtimes, the bathtimes, the eating - as hard as those things are it only takes one special moment to overcompensate for how hard it is to be a mother. This week I have been blessed to be a part of good times with all my kids. My twins are so tiny and I thought that they were going to be small for a long time. But after bath last night I pulled preemie clothes out and neither of them fit! Could it be? That my teensie babies are really growing? Yes! They are in 0-3 month clothing. I know this doesn't seem like a big feat but as a mom it's quite exciting. To know that I am feeding them enough and they are nourished and happy and well is all I have hoped for since they have come out of the NICU. They are getting big and still so precious.
My other happy moment was with Joshua today. He has been fighting dressing and diaper changes for what seems like forever. So today I said, "Okay, let's put your cars underwear on" and he was ecstatic. So after an hour of playing in just his undies and 20 billion "Do you need to potty?" he did it. He just sat down casually and went in the potty chair. Now his undies were still on but oh well - he went in the potty! This has been the most daunting feat (for me) of raising kids, but we might make it through. So after he went potty, we took his potty to the toilet and flushed it and high fived and it was amazing.
So, no, I am not saving the world. But for once in a blue moon my kids look pretty good. It makes being a mother, staying at home, being poor, being that 'woman with all the kids' worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Maci! Just found your blog. Your boys (all 4) are precious. Can't wait to see them again. Are yall doing anything special for Jared's bd? Kiss my nephews for me. Hope to see you soon.
